The 2007 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (NEDD) Award;Li Foundation Fellowship(USA)
Email: dongz@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Tel: 8627-87856887
Research Interest:
Cellular and molecular regulation of neural stem cell development in concern of brain injury (cerebral ischemic stroke), and nerve system tumors (glioma, brain metastasis).
1995 - 2000 Jining Medical College, China Bachlor in Medicine
2000 - 2005 Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, China Ph.D. Integrative Medicine and Neurobiology
Professional Experiences:
2005 - 2010 University of California, San Francisco, USA Postdoc
2010 - 2013 University of California, San Francisco, USA Assistant Specialist
2013 - 2015 University of California, San Francisco, USA Specialist
2015 - present Huazhong Agricultural University Professor
Selected Publications:
1. Tao Chen, Ruiqi Hu, Ying Wan, Fengzeng Sun, Zichen Wang, Junqiu Yue, Jian Chen, Guang Han, Guangwei Wei, Zhiqiang Dong*, Comprehensive mutanome analysis of Lewis lung cancer reveals immunogenic neoantigens for therapeutic vaccines. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020 May 7;525(3):607-613.
2. Zhang Q, Schepis A, Huang H, Yang J, Ma W, Torra J, Zhang SQ, Yang L, Wu H, Nonell S, Dong Z, Kornberg TB2 Coughlin SR, Shu X. Designing a Green Fluorogenic Protease Reporter by Flipping a Beta Strand of GFP for Imaging Apoptosis in Animals. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019 Mar 20;141(11):4526-4530.
3. Min Guo#, Minghai Ge#, Michael A. Berberoglu, Jie Zhou, Long Ma, Juan Yang, Qiyan Dong, Yanni Feng, Zhengxing Wu, Zhiqiang Dong*, Dissecting Molecular and Circuit Mechanisms for Inhibition and Delayed Response of ASI Neurons during Nociceptive Stimulus. Cell Reports, 2018 Nov 13;25(7):1885-1897.
4. Dan Yu#, Zhiqiang Dong#, William Clay Gustafson, Rubén Ruiz-González, Luca Signor, Fanny Marzocca, Franck Borel, Matthew P. Klassen, Kalpana Makhijani, Antoine Royant, Yuh-Nung Jan, William A. Weiss, Su Guo, and Xiaokun Shu, Rational design of a monomeric and photostable far-red fluorescent protein for fluorescence imaging in vivo. Protein Science, 2016. 25(2): p. 308-315.
5. Michael A. Berberoglu#, Zhiqiang Dong#, Guangnan Li, Jiashun Zheng, Luz del Carmen G. Trejo Martinez, Jisong Peng, Mahendra Wagle, Brian Reichholf, Claudia Petritsch, Hao Li, Samuel J. Pleasure, and Su Guo, Heterogeneously Expressed fezf2 Patterns Gradient Notch Activity in Balancing the Quiescence, Proliferation, and Differentiation of Adult Neural Stem Cells. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2014. 34(42): p. 13911-13923.
6. Yaping Sun#, Zhiqiang Dong#, Taihao Jin, Kean-Hooi Ang, Miller Huang, Kelly M. Haston, Jisong Peng, Tao P. Zhong, Steven Finkbeiner, William A. Weiss, Michelle R. Arkin, Lily Y. Jan, and Su Guo, Imaging-based chemical screening reveals activity-dependent neural differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. eLife, 2013. 2: p. e00508.
7. Zhiqiang Dong#, Jisong Peng#, and Su Guo, Stable Gene Silencing in Zebrafish with Spatiotemporally Targetable RNA Interference. Genetics, 2013. 193(4): p. 1065-1071.
8. Zhiqiang Dong#*, Yong Sun#, Peihua Lu, Yanqing Wang, and Gencheng Wu*, Electroacupuncture and Lumbar Transplant of GDNF-Secreting Fibroblasts Synergistically Attenuate Hyperalgesia after Sciatic Nerve Constriction. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2013. 41(03): p. 459-472.
9. Zhiqiang Dong, Nan Yang, Sang-Yeob Yeo, Ajay Chitnis, and Su Guo, Intralineage Directional Notch Signaling Regulates Self-Renewal and Differentiation of Asymmetrically Dividing Radial Glia. Neuron, 2012. 74(1): p. 65-78.
10. Nan Yang, Zhiqiang Dong, and Su Guo, Fezf2 regulates multi-lineage neuronal differentiation through activating bHLH and HD genes in the zebrafish ventral forebrain. The Journal of neuroscience, 2012. 32(32): p. 10940-10948.