Seed Germination and Dormancy
Email: chenmin@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Tel: +86 15106938229
Research Interest:
My team works on the regulation of germination traits by environmental cues in Arabidopsis and soybean. Currently, we are particularly interested in: 1) the relationship between desiccation tolerance and the establishment of seed dormancy; 2) the role of lipid droplets in seed dormancy; 3) the effect of growth condition (e.g. alkaline soil) on seed germination/seedling establishment; 4) the molecular mechanisms.
2011.12 PhD in Botany South China Agricultural University
2003.7 Bachelor of Science Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Professional Experiences:
2012.2 – 2014.9 Postdoc University of Exeter
2014.10 – 2018.1 Postdoc John Innes Centre
2018.2 - Professor Huazhong Agricultural University
Selected Publications:
1. Chen M, Penfield S*, Feedback regulation of COOLAIR expression controls seed dormancy and flowering time. Science, 2018.
2. Chen M, MacGregor DR, Dave A, Florance H, Moore K, Paszkiewicz K, Smirnoff N, Graham IA, Penfield S*, Maternal temperature history activates Flowering Locus T in fruits to control progeny dormancy according to time of year. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014.
3. Chen M, Liu H, Kong J, Yang Y, Zhang N, Li R, Yue J, Huang J, Li C, Cheung AY, and Tao LZ*, RopGEF7 Regulates PLETHORA-dependent Maintenance of the Root Stem Cell Niche in Arabidopsis. Plant cell, 2011.
4. MacGregor DR, Zhang N, Iwasaki M, Dave A, Chen M, Lopez-Molina L, Penfield S*, ICE1 and ZOU determine the depth of primary seed dormancy in Arabidopsis independently of their role in endosperm development. Plant Journal, 2018.
5. Huang JB, Liu H, Chen M, Li X, Wang M, Yang Y, Wang C, Huang J, Liu G, Liu Y, Xu J, Cheung AY, Tao LZ*, ROP3 GTPase contributes to polar auxin transport and auxin responses and is important for embryogenesis and seedling growth in Arabidopsis. Plant cell, 2014