Assocaite Professor
Email: chendasong@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Tel: (+86)15392847215
Research Interest:
My research focus on the molecular mechanism of symbiosis interaction between leguminous plants and rhizobium , including:
1)The function of some legume genes involved in infect thread forming and nodule development during the legume interaction with rhizobium.
2)The function of some rhizobium genes involved in infecting host plant and bacteroid development in nodule.
2000-2007: Microbiology Ph.D, Huazhong Agricultural University, P. R. China
1994-1997: Microbiology M.S, Huazhong Agricultural University, P. R. China
1986-1990: Microbiology B.S., Wuhan University, P. R. China
Professional Experiences:
2011-present: Associate Professor
College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University
1997-2010: Lecturer,
College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University
1990-1994: Assistant Researcher
Institute of Plant Protection, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Selected Publications:
1) Da-Song Chen, Cheng-Wu Liu, Sonali Roy, Donna Cousins, Nicola Stacey and Jeremy D. Murray*:Identification of a core set of rhizobial infection genes using data from single cell-types. Frontiers in Plant Science (2015) Jul 28;Vol 6:575.
2) Da-Song Chen, You-Guo Li,Jun-Chu Zhou*: The symbiosis phenotype and expression patterns of five nodule-specific genes of Astragalus sinicus under ammonium and salt stress conditions. Plant Cell Reports (2007) 26(8):1421-14393)
3) Zhou DongLai, Li YaNan,Xie FuLi, Chen DaSong, Li YouGuo* (2019) Mesorhizobium huakuii HtpG Interaction with nsLTP AsE246 Is Required for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Plant Physiology (May 2019) Vol 180 No 1:509-5284
4) Si ZaiYong, Yang QianQian, Liang RongRong, Chen DaSong, Li YouGuo (2019) Digalactosyldiacylglycerol Synthase Gene MtDGD1 Plays an Essential Role in Nodule Development and Nitrogen Fixation. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction Vol 32 No9:1196-1209
5) Wei Feng, Lei Lei, Chen Fangfang, Wu Mei, Chen, Dasong, *Li, Youguo. Identification and Symbiotic Phenotype Characterization of an OPDA Reductase Gene AsOPR1 in Chinese Milk Vetch. Plant molecular biology reporter. (2017) Vol 35(5), pp 469-479
Teaching Responsibilities (from 2011 to present)
1. General Microbiology (for undergraduate )
2. Experiment of Microbiology (for undergraduate)
3. Advance Technology of Biology Researching (for postgraduate)