Email: liuzhu@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Research Interest:
I am interested in protein dynamics and enzymatic mechanisms. By using an integrative strategy with multiple biophysical tools, including single-molecule fluorescence, NMR, crystallography, chemical cross-linking coupled with mass spectroscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering, my research characterized the functional roles of protein dynamics and added insights into the mechanisms underlying enzyme catalysis.
Graduate students who are interested in biophysics are welcomed. 2-3 Posdoctor positions are available.
2009 - 2014:
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.
2005 - 2009:
College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, B.S.
Professional Experiences:
2018 - present: Professor
College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Wuhan, China.
2017 - 2018:Assistant Professor
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Wuhan, China.
2014 - 2017:Postdoctoral fellow
School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Selected Publications:
1. Zhou C#, Yan L#, Zhang WH, Liu Z*. Structural basis of tubulin detyrosination by VASH2/SVBP heterodimer. Nature Communications. 2019, 10(1):3212.
2. Liu Z#, Dong X#, Yi HW, Yang J, Gong Z, Wang Y, Liu K, Zhang WP*, Tang C*. Structural basis for the recognition of K48-linked Ub chain by proteasomal receptor Rpn13. Cell Discovery. 2019, 5:9.
3. Liu Z, Gong Z, Cao Y, Ding YH, Dong MQ, Lu YB, Zhang WP, Tang C*. Characterizing Protein Dynamics with Integrative Use of Bulk and Single-Molecule Techniques. Biochemistry. 2018, 57:305-313.
4. Dong X#, Gong Z#, Lu YB, Liu K, Qing LY, Ran ML, Zhang CL, Liu Z*, Zhang WP*, Tang C*. Ubiquitin S65 phosphorylation engenders a pH-sensitive conformational switch. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA. 2017, 114:6770-6775.
5. Liu Z, Gong Z, Dong X and Tang C*. Transient protein-protein interactions visualized by solution NMR. BBA Proteins and Proteomics. 2016, 1864:115-122.
6. Liu Z, Gong Z, Jiang WX, Yang J, Zhu WK, Guo DC, Zhang WP, Liu ML* and Tang C*. Lys63-linked ubiquitin chain adopts multiple conformational states for specific target recognition. 2015, Elife,4:e05767.
7. Liu Z, Gong Z, Guo DC, Zhang WP* and Tang C*. Subtle dynamics of holo glutamine binding protein revealed with a rigid paramagnetic probe. Biochemistry. 2014, 53, 1403-1409.
8. Liu Z, Zhang WP, Xing Q, Ren XF, Liu ML* and Tang C*. Noncovalent dimerization of ubiquitin. 2012, Angew Chem Int Ed, 51, 469-472. (hot paper).