Email: lizhongx@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Tel: 86-027-87281536
Lab Site:http://xionglab.ncpgr.cn/
Institution: National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan), Huazhong Agricultural University.
Address: No.1, Shizishan Rd., Wuhan 430070, P. R. China
9, 1994 - 7, 1999 Ph. D. degree, Molecular Biology, Huazhong Agricultural University, China.
9, 1990 - 6, 1994 Bachelor degree, Plant Breeding, Huazhong Agricultural University, China.
Professional Experiences:
9, 2002 - Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University.
9, 1999 - 9, 2002 Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Arkansas.
Research Interest:
Research field: Functional genomics and abiotic stress biology of rice.
Current research activities:
l Integrated forward and reverse genetics approaches to discover and characterize novel genes /mechanisms for stress resistance of rice with focus on drought resistance.
l High thought phenotyping technologies in rice.
l Improving drought resistance and /or water use efficiency of rice at reproductive stage by combination of biotechnology and conventional breeding.
Selected Publications:
1. Ma S, Tang N*, Li X, Xie Y, Xiang D, Fu J, Shen J, Yang J, Tu H, Li X, Hu H, Xiong L* (2019), Reversible histone H2B monoubiquitination fine-tunes abscisic acid signaling and drought response in rice. Molecular Plant. 12(2):263-277
2. Guo Z, Yang W*, Chang Y, Ma X, Tu H, Xiong F, Jiang N, Feng H, Huang C, Yang P, Zhao H, Chen G, Liu H, Luo L, Hu H, Liu Q, Xiong L* (2018), Genome-wide association studies of image traits reveal the genetic architecture of drought resistance in rice. Molecular Plant. 11(6):789-805
3. Du H, Huang F, Wu N, Li X, Hu H, Xiong L* (2018), Integrative regulation of drought escape through ABA dependent and independent pathways in Rice. Molecular Plant. 11(4):584-597
4. Shen J, Liu J, Xie K, Xing F, Xiong F, Xiao J, Li X, Xiong L* (2017), Translational repression by a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element in the 3’untranslated region. Nature Communications, 8:14651. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14651
5. Tang N , Ma S, Zong W, Yang N, Lv Y, Yan C, Guo Z, Li J, Li X, Xiang Y, Song H, Xiao J, Li X, Xiong L* (2016), MODD mediates deactivation and degradation of OsbZIP46 to negatively regulate ABA signaling and drought resistance in rice. Plant Cell. 28: 2161-2177.
6. Yang W, Guo Z, Huang C, Duan L, Chen G, Jiang N, Fang W, Feng H, Xie W, Lian X, Wang G, Luo Q, Zhang Q, Liu Q*, Xiong L* (2014), Combining high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to reveal natural genetic variation in rice. Nature Communications. 8(5):5087
7. Hu H, Xiong L* (2014), Genetic Engineering and Breeding of Drought-Resistant Crops. Annual Review Plant Biology. 65:715-741
8. Zhu X, Xiong L* (2013), Putative megaenzyme DWA1 plays essential roles in drought resistance by regulating stress-induced wax deposition in rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America. 110(44): 17790-17795
9. Yang W, Duan L, Chen G, Xiong L*, Liu Q* (2013), Plant phenomics and high-throughput phenotyping: accelerating rice functional genomics using multidisciplinary technologies. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 16(2):180-187
10. Fukao T*, Xiong L* (2013), Genetic mechanisms conferring adaptation to submergence and drought in rice: simple or complex? Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 16(2):196-204
11. Ning J, Zhang B, Wang N, Zhou Y, Xiong L* (2011), Increased Leaf Angle1 (ILA1), a raf-like MAPKKK that interacts with a nuclear protein family, regulates mechanical tissue formation in the lamina joint of rice. Plant Cell. 23: 4334-4347
12. Hou X, Xie K, Yao J, Qi Z, Xiong L* (2009), A homolog of human ski-interacting protein in rice positively regulates cell viability and stress tolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America. 106:6410-6415
13. Hu H, Dai M, Yao J, Xiao B, Li X, Zhang Q, Xiong L* (2006), Overexpressing a NAM, ATAF, and CUC (NAC) transcription factor enhances drought resistance and salt tolerance in rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America. 103: 12987-12992
Invited Lectures:
Meeting Name |
Time |
Place |
Identity |
Title |
The 17th International Symposiun on Rice Functional Genomics |
2019.11.4-11.6 |
Taipei, Taiwan |
Invited Report |
Fine regulation of abscisic acid signaling and drought resistance by OsbZIP46 in rice |
Keystone Symposium: Climate Change-Linked Stress Tolerance in Plants |
2019.5.14-5.16 |
Hannover, Germany |
Invited Report |
Genetic Architecture and Transcriptional Regulation of Drought Resistance in Rice |
5th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium |
2018.10.2-10.5 |
Adelaide, Australia |
Poster |
Genome-wide association studies of image traits reveal the genetic architecture of drought resistance in rice |
16th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics |
2018.9.4-9.8 |
Tokyo, Japan |
Poster |
Conservation and differentiations of the salt overly sensitive(SOS) pathway in rice |
3nd Molecular Plant International Symposium: Plant-Evironment Interactions |
2018.6.12-15 |
Xi’an, China |
Invited Report |
Molecular basis of different mechanisms of drought resistance in rice |
2nd Asia-Pacific Plant Phenotyping Conference |
2018.3.23-25 |
Nanjing, China |
Invited Report |
Combining phenomics and genomics to reveal genetic basis of drought resistance in rice |
Agricultural Genomics 2017: Functional Genomics toward Green Crops for Sustainable Agriculture |
2017.10.25-27 |
Wuhan, China |
Invited Report, Co-Chairs |
New phenotyping tools for genetic dissection of drought resistance studies in rice |
15th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics |
2017.9.25-27 |
Suwon, South Korea |
Invited Report |
Genetic Architecture of Drought Resistance Revealed by Association Studies in Rice |
19th International Botanical Congress |
2017.7.23-29 |
Shenzhen, China |
Invited Report |
New phenotyping tools for drought resistance studies in rice |
InterDrought-V |
2017/2/21-25 |
Hyderabad, India |
Co-Chairs |
Plant productivity under drought III Vegetative Growth |
1st Asia-Pacific Plant Phenotyping Conference |
2016/10/19-21 |
Beijing |
Invited Report |
Combining high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to reveal the genetic architecture of key traits in rice |
14th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics |
2016/09/26-29 |
France, Montpellier, Le Corum |
Invited Report |
Two key bZIP transcription factors regulate ABA signaling and drought resistance in rice. |
11th International Plant Molecular |
2015/10/25-30 |
Brazil, Iguassu |
Poster |
SNAC1 regulates drought resistance through multiple pathways in rice |
13th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics |
2015/9/21-24 |
Wuhan, China |
Co-Chairs |
Green Super Rice |
12thInternational Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics |
2014/11/15-21 |
Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Invited Report |
Combining high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to unlock the genetic architecture of agronomical traits in rice |
Honors and Rewards:
“Ten Thousand Plan” National High Level Talents Special Support Plan, 2018
Science and Technology Ministry of Youth Science and Technology Innovation Leader, 2016
National BaiQianWan Talents Program, 2014
Second Prize of National Award for Technological Invention, 2013
Frist Prize of Hubei Natural Science Awards, 2013
Agriculture Ministry of Agricultural Research Outstanding Talents, 2012
National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers, 2012
First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Awards, 2013
China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, 2007
China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, 2007
Hubei “May Fourth” Youth Medal, 2007
New Century Excellent Talents in University, 2004