谢婷婷 讲师
1999 – 2003 华中师范大学生命科学学院 生物技术 学士学位
2003 – 2008 武汉大学生命科学学院 遗传学 博士学位
2008 – 至今 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 讲师
2014 – 2015 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 访问学者
1.T Xie, D Chen, J Wu, X Huang, Y Wang, K Tang, J Li, M Sun, X Peng;Growing Slowly 1locus encodes a PLS-type PPR protein required for RNA editing and plant development in Arabidopsis .J Exp Bot2016; 67 (19): 5687-5698. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erw331
2.W Li,T Xie, Q Qiu, T Ning, D Yang. A Short Peptide in Rice Glutelin Directs Trafficking of Protein into the Protein Storage Vacuoles of the Endosperm Cells. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31:1492-1505
3.M Tang,T Xie, W Cheng, L Qian, S Yang, D Yang, W Cui, K Li. A 90-day safety study of genetically modified rice expressing rhIGF-1 protein in C57BL/6J rat. Transgenic Research, 2012, 21:400-510
4.Y He, T Ning,T Xie, Q Qiu, L Zhang, Y Sun, D Jiang, K Fu, F Yin, W Zhang, L Shen, H Wang, J Li, Q Lin, Y Sun, H Li, Y Zhu, D Yang. Large-scale production of functional human serum albumin from transgenic rice seeds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2011, 108:19078–19083.
5.T Xie, Q Qiu, W Zhang, T Ning, W Yang, C Zheng, C Wang, Y Zhu, D Yang. A biologically active rhIGF-1 fusion accumulated in transgenic rice seeds can reduce blood glucose in diabetic mice via oral delivery. Peptides, 2008, 29(11): 1862-1870
6.T Ning,T Xie, Q Qiu, W Yang, S Zhou, L Zhou, C Zheng, Y Zhu, D Yang. Oral Administration of Recombinant Human Granulocyte-macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Expressed in Rice Endosperm can Increase Leukocytes in Mice. Biotechnol. Lett., 2008, 30(9): 1679-86
1.杨代常,谢婷婷. 利用谷物非储藏蛋白为融合载体在胚乳表达多肽的方法及应用,中国,ZL 2006 1 0019285.9(2010.6)
2.Daichang Yang,Tingting Xie. A method of expressing small peptides using cereal non-storage proteins as fusion carrier in endosperm and the use thereof.美国,US 7,723,571 B2(2010.5),加拿大, Canada 2,587,092(2013.8),日本,Japan 4,680,237(2011.2),欧盟,EU 1865084(2011.9).
杨代常、谢婷婷、何洋、宁婷婷、施倩妮、欧吉权. 水稻胚乳细胞生物反应器及其应用,国家科学技术部,国家发明技术奖,二等奖,2013
杨代常、谢婷婷、何洋、宁婷婷、刘静茹、汪相宏. 水稻胚乳细胞生物反应器及其应用,湖北省科技厅,湖北省发明技术奖,一等奖,2012