代明球 博士、教授、博士生导师
1996-2000 华中农业大学 水产学院 淡水渔业专业 理学学士学位
2000-2007 华中农业大学 生命科学技术学院 生物化学与分子生物学专业 理学博士学位
2007-2009 博士后 美国康奈尔大学
2009-2013 博士后/副研究科学家 美国耶鲁大学
2013-至今 教授 华中农业大学 生命科学技术学院/作物遗传改良国家重点实验室
1.XiangY#, SunX#, GaoS, QinF,DaiM*.2016.Deletion of an endoplasmic reticulum stress response element in aZmPP2C-Agene facilitates drought tolerance of maize seedlings.Molecular Plant, online (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2016.10.003)
2.Dai M, Xue Q, Mccray T, Chen F, Margavage K, Lee J, Nezames C, Guo L, Terzaghi W, Wan J, Deng XW, Wang H*. 2013. The Arabidopsis PP6 Phosphatase Regulates ABI5 Phosphorylation and ABA Signaling.The Plant Cell. 25(2):517-34.
3.Dai M, Terzaghi W, and Wang H*. 2013. Multifaceted roles of Arabidopsis PP6 phosphatase in regulating cellular signaling and plant development.Plant Signaling & Behavior,8(1):1-5
4.Dai M, Zhang C, Kania U, Chen F, Xue Q, Mccray T, Li G, Qin G, Wakeley M, Terzaghi W, Wan J, Zhao Y, Xu J, Friml J, Deng X, and Wang H*. 2012. A PP6-type phosphatase holoenzyme directly regulates PIN phosphorylation and auxin efflux in Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell. 24(6): 2497-514.
5.Chen F, Li B, Li G, Charron JB,Dai M, Shi X, Deng XW*. 2014. Arabidopsis Phytochrome A Directly Targets Numerous Promoters for Individualized Modulation of Genes in a Wide Range of Pathways.The Plant Cell.26(5):1949-1966.
6.Sassi M, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Wang J, Dhonukshe P, Blilou I,Dai M, Li J, Gong X, Jaillais Y, Yu X, Traas J, Ruberti I, Wang H, Scheres B, Vernoux T, Xu J*. 2012. COP1 mediates the coordination of root and shoot growth by light through modulation of PIN1- and PIN2-dependent auxin transport in Arabidopsis.Development. 139(18): 3402-12.
7.Chen F, Shi X, Chen L,Dai M, Zhou Z, Shen Y, Li J, Li G, Wei N, Deng XW*. 2012. Phosphorylation of FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL1 Is a Key Mechanism Defining Signaling Dynamics of Phytochrome A under Red and Far-Red Light in Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell. 24(5): 1907-20
8.Li G, Siddiqui H, Teng Y, Lin R, Wan XY, Li J, Lau OS, Ouyang X,Dai M, Wan J, Devlin PF, Deng XW, Wang H*. 2011. Coordinated transcriptional regulation underlying the circadian clock in Arabidopsis.Nat Cell Biol.13(5): 616-22.
9.Lee JH, Yoon HJ, Terzaghi W, Martinez C,Dai M, Li J, Byun MO, Deng XW*. 2010. DWA1 and DWA2, two Arabidopsis DWD protein components of CUL4-based E3 ligases, act together as negative regulators in ABA signal transduction.The Plant Cell. 22(6): 1716-32.
10.Zhao Y, Hu Y,Dai M,Huang L, Zhou DX*. 2009. TheWUSCHEL-Related Homeobox GeneWOX11Is Required to Activate Shoot-Borne Crown Root Development in Rice.The Plant Cell. 21(3): 736-48.
11.Park HJ, Ding L,Dai M, Lin R, Wang H*. 2008. Multisite phosphorylation of ArabidopsisHFR1by casein kinase II and a plausible role in regulating its degradation rate.J Biol Chem. 283(34):23264-73.
12.Dai M#, Hu Y#, Ma Q, Zhao Y and Zhou DX*. 2008. Functional analysis of riceHOMEOBOX4(Oshox4) gene reveals a negative function in gibberellin responses.Plant Mol Biol. 66(3): 289-301.
13.Dai M, Hu Y, Zhao Y, Liu H and Zhou DX*. 2007. AWUSCHEL-LIKE HOMEOBOXgene represses aYABBYgene expression required for rice leaf development.Plant Physiol. 144(1): 380-90.
14.Dai M, Zhao Y, Ma Q, Hu Y, Hedden P, Zhang Q and Zhou DX*. 2007. The riceYABBY1gene is involved in the feedback regulation of gibberellin metabolism.Plant Physiol. 144(1): 121-33.
15.Dai M, Hu Y, Zhao Y and Zhou DX*. 2007. Regulatory Networks InvolvingYABBYGenes in Rice Shoot Development.Plant Signaling & behavior. 2(5): 399-400.
16.Hu H,Dai M, Yao J, Xiao B, Li X, Zhang Q, Xiong L*. 2006. Overexpressing aNAM,ATAF, andCUC(NAC) transcription factor enhances drought resistance and salt tolerance in rice.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(35): 12987-92.
1.代明球, 周道绣, 张启发: 一种调控水稻赤霉素合成的转录因子基因OsYAB1及其应用. 2010年05月12日授权,专利号:ZL200510019814.0
2.代明球, 周道绣, 张启发: 一种调控水稻赤霉素合成的转录因子基因OsHOX4及其应用. 2008年12月24日授权, 专利号:ZL 200510019813.6