周道绣 博士 教授 博士生导师
1979-1983年 华中农业大学 农学学士学位
1984-1988年 法国GRENOBLE大学 细胞生物学博士
1988-1991年 美国加利福尼亚大学 (UC San Francisco) 博士后研究员, 研究真核生物基因调控机理
1990-1996年 法国国家科研中心研究员,研究植物基因调控机理
1996-2000年 法国必卡第大学教授, 研究植物基因调控机理
2000- 法国巴黎十一大学教授, 研究植物表观遗传学
2003- 华中农业大学教授,研究水稻表观遗传学
水稻基因组学, 水稻表观遗传学,水稻发育生物学
1. Lu Y, Xu Q, Liu Y, Yu Y, Cheng ZY, Zhao Y, Zhou D-X*(2018): Dynamics and functional interplay of histone lysine butyrylation, crotonylation, and acetylation in rice under starvation and submergence. Genome Biology, 19:144.
2. Cheng S, Tan F, Lu Y, Liu X, Li T, Yuan W, Zhao Y*, Zhou D-X*(2018): WOX11 recruits a histone H3K27me3 demethylase to promote gene expression during shoot development in rice. Nucleic Acids Research, 46:2356-2369.
3. Tan F, Lu Y, Jiang W, Wu T, Zhang R, Zhao Y, Zhou D-X*(2018): DDM1 Represses Noncoding RNA Expression and RNA-Directed DNA Methylation in Heterochromatin. Plant Physiology, 177:1187-1197.
4. Zhou C, Wang C, Liu H, Zhou Q, Liu Q, Guo Y, Peng T, Song J, Zhang J, Chen L, Zeng Z*, Zhou D-X*(2018): Identification and analysis of adenine N(6)-methylation sites in the rice genome. Nature Plants 2018, 4:554-563.
5. Zhou S, Jiang W, Long F, Cheng S, Yang W, Zhao Y*, Zhou D-X*(2017): Rice Homeodomain Protein WOX11 Recruits a Histone Acetyltransferase Complex to Establish Programs of Cell Proliferation of Crown Root Meristem. Plant Cell, 29:1088-1104.
6. Zhang H, Zhao Y, Zhou D-X*(2017): Rice NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase OsSRT1 represses glycolysis and regulates the moonlighting function of GAPDH as a transcriptional activator of glycolytic genes. Nucleic Acids Research, 45:12241-12255.
7. Liu X, Wei W, Zhu W, Su L, Xiong Z, Zhou M, Zheng Y, Zhou D-X*(2017): Histone Deacetylase AtSRT1 Links Metabolic Flux and Stress Response in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 10:1510-1522.
8. Audonnet L, Shen Y, Zhou D-X*(2017): JMJ24 antagonizes histone H3K9 demethylase IBM1/JMJ25 function and interacts with RNAi pathways for gene silencing. Gene Expression Patterns, 25-26:1-7.
9. Zhou S, Liu X, Zhou C, Zhou Q, Zhao Y, Li G, Zhou D-X*(2016). Cooperation between the H3K27me3 chromatin marker and non-CG methylation in epigenetic regulation. Plant Physiology, 172(2):1131-1141.
10. Tan F, Zhou C, Zhou Q, Zhou Q, Yang W, Zhao Y, Li G, Zhou D-X*(2016). Analysis of Chromatin Regulators Reveals Specific Features of Rice DNA Methylation Pathways. Plant Physiology, 171(3):2041-2054.
11. Shen Y, Wei W, Zhou D-X* (2015) Histone acetylation enzymes coordinate metabolism and gene expression. Trends Plant Sci. 20(10):614-621.
12. Zhao Y, Cheng S, Song Y, Huang Y, Zhou S, Liu X, Zhou D-X (2015) Interaction between OsERF3 and WOX11 promotes crown root development by regulating gene expression involved in cytokinin signaling. Plant Cell 27(9):2469-2483。
13. Liu X, Zhou S, Wang W, Ye Y, Zhao Y, Xu Q, Zhou C, Tan F, Cheng S, Zhou D-X* (2015) Regulation of histone methylation and reprogramming of gene expression in rice inflorescence meristem. Plant Cell 27(5):1428-1444.
14. Li T, Chen X, Zhong X, Zhao Y, Liu X, Zhou S, Cheng S, Zhou D-X * (2013) Histone demethylase JMJ705-mediated removal of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation is involved in defense-related gene activation in rice. Plant Cell 25(11):4725-4736
15. Chen X, Zhou D-X * (2013) Rice epigenomics and epigenetics: challenges and opportunities. Curr Opin Plant Sci 16(2):164-169.
16. Chen Q, Chen X, Wang Q, Zhang F, Lou Z*, Zhang Q*, Zhou D-X* (2013) Structural basis of a histone H3 Lysine 4 demethylase required for stem elongation in rice. PloS Genet. 9(1): e1003239. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003239
17. Hu Y, Liu D, Zhong X, Zhang C, Zhang Q, Zhou D-X* (2012) A CHD3 protein recognizes and regulates methylated histone H3 lysines 4 and 27 over a subset of targets in the rice genome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109(15):5773-5778.
1. 发明名称:组蛋白去乙酰化酶基因在调控水稻种子淀粉发育中的应用,授权号:ZL201310484348.8 发明人:周道绣;张华;赵毓 授权日:2015.04.22
2. 发明名称:组蛋白甲基转移酶SDG723在调控水稻抽穗期中的应用,授权号:ZL201310454162.8 发明人:周道绣;张华;赵毓;授权日:2015.10.21;
3. 发明名称:组蛋白甲基转移酶基因在调控水稻开花期和穗形中的应用, 授权号:ZL201310079799.3 发明人:周道绣;刘小云;赵毓; 授权日:2013.03.13;
参写《Genetics and Genomics of Rice》中的第9章Epigenomics,2013年由Springer集团出版。
电子邮箱: dxzhou@mail.hzau.edu.cn