李青 博士 教授 博士生导师
2000.09 – 2004.07:中国农业大学,作物遗传育种系,学士
2004.09 – 2007.07:中国农业大学,作物遗传育种系,硕士(戴景瑞、李建生、严建兵)
2007.09 – 2010.12:中国农业大学,作物遗传育种系,博士(戴景瑞、李建生、严建兵)
2011.01 – 2013.01:伊利诺伊大学,作物科学系,博士后(Stephen Moose, Matthew Hudson)
2013.01 – 2016.07:明尼苏达大学,植物生物学系,博士后(Nathan Springer)
2016.08 – 现在:华中农业大学,生命科学技术学院,教授
1.Niederhuth CE, Bewick AJ, Ji L, Alabady MS, Kim KD, Li Q, Rohr NA, Rambani A, Burke JM, Udall JA, Egesi C, Schmutz J, Grimwood J, Jackson SA, Springer NM, Schmitz RJ. Widespread natural variation of DNA methylation within angiosperms. Genome Biol. 2016,17(1):194.
2.Springer NM, Lisch D, Li Q.Creatingorder fromchaos: Epigenomedynamics inplants withcomplexgenomes. Plant Cell,2016,28(2):314-325.
3.Qing Li, Jonathan I. Gent, Greg Zynda, Jawon Song, Irina Makarevitch, Cory D. Hirsch,Candice N. Hirsch, R. Kelly Dawe, Thelma F. Madzima, Karen M. McGinnis, DamonLisch, Robert J. Schmitz, Matthew W. Vaughn, Nathan M. Springer. RNA-directed DNAmethylation enforces boundaries between heterochromatin and euchromatin in the maizegenome. PNAS, 2015,112(47):14728-14733.
4.Qing Li, Ying Li, Stephen P. Moose, Matthew E. Hudson. Transposable elements, mRNAexpression level and strand-specificity of small RNAs are associated with non-additive inheritance of gene expression in hybrid plants. BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15:168.
5.Qing Li*, Jawon Song*, Patrick T West, Greg Zynda, Steven R Eichten, Matthew W.Vaughn, and Nathan M. Springer. Examining the causes and consequences ofcontext-specific differential DNA methylation in maize. Plant Physiology, 2015, 168:1262–1274 (* co-first author)
6.Qing Li*, Masako Suzuki*, Jennifer Wendt, Nicole Patterson, Steven R. Eichten, Peter J.Hermanson, Dawn Green, Jeffrey Jeddeloh, Todd Richmond, Heidi Rosenbaum, DanielBurgess, Nathan M. Springer, and John M. Greally. Post-conversion targeted capture ofmodified cytosines in mammalian and plant genomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 2015,gkv244 (* co-first author)
7.Qing Li, Steve R Eichten, Peter J Hermanson, Virginia Zaunbrecher, Jawon Song,Jennifer Wendt, Heidi Rosenbaum, Thelma F. Madzima, Amy E. Sloan, Ji Huang, DanielL. Burgess, Todd A. Richmond, Karen M McGinnis, Robert B. Meeley, Olga N.Danilevskaya, Matthew W. Vaughn, Shawn M Kaeppler, Jeffrey A. Jeddeloh, Nathan MSpringer. Genetic perturbation of the maize methylome. The Plant Cell, 2014, 26(12):4602-4616.
8.Qing Li, Steven R Eichten, Peter J Hermanson, Nathan M Springer. Inheritance patternsand stability of DNA methylation variation in maize near-isogenic lines. Genetics, 2014,196: 667-676
9.Patrick T West*, Qing Li*, Lexiang Ji, Steven R Eichten, Jawon Song, Matthew WVaughn, Robert J Schmitz, Nathan M Springer. Genomic distribution of H3K9me2 andDNA methylation in a maize genome. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(8): e105267 (* co-firstauthor)
10.Steve R Eichten, Roman Briskine, Jawon Song, Qing Li, et al. Epigenetic and geneticinfluences on DNA methylation variation in maize populations. The Plant Cell, 2013,25(8), 2783-2797
11.Qing Li*, Xiaohong Yang*, Shutu Xu*, Ye Cai, Dalong Zhang, Yingjia Han, Lin Li,Zuxin Zhang, Shibin Gao, Jiansheng Li, Jianbing Yan. Genome-wide association studiesidentified three independent polymorphisms associated with α-Tocopherol content inmaize kernels. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(5): e36807 (* co-first author)
12.Lin Li, Hui Li, Qing Li, et al. An 11-bp insertion in Zea mays fatb reduces the palmiticacid content of fatty acids in maize grain. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(9): e24699
13.Qing Li, Lin Li, Xiaohong Yang, Marilyn L. Warburton, Guanghong Bai, Jingrui Dai,Jiansheng Li, Jianbing Yan. Relationship, evolutionary fate and function of two maizeco-orthologs of rice GW2 associated with kernel size and weight. BMC Plant Biology,2010, 10:143
14.Qing Li, Xiaohong Yang, Guanghong Bai, Marilyn L. Warburton, George Mahuku,Michael Gore, Jingrui Dai, Jiansheng Li and Jianbing Yan. Cloning and characterizationof a putative GS3 ortholog involved in maize kernel development. Theoretical andApplied Genetics, 2010, 120: 753-763
15.Jianbing Yan, Catherine Bermudez Kandianis, Carlos E. Harjes, Ling Bai, Eunha Kim,Xiaohong Yang, Debra Skinner, Zhiyuan Fu, Sharon Mitchell, Qing Li, Maria GuadalupeSalas Fernandez, Maria Zaharieva, Raman Babu, Yang Fu, Natalia Palacios, Jiansheng Li,Dean Dellapenna, Thomas Brutnell, Edward S. Buckler, Marilyn L. Warburton andTorbert Rocheford. Rare genetic variation at CrtR-B1 increases β-carotene in maize grain.Nature Genetics, 2010, 42:322-327
16.Xiaohong Yang, Jianbing Yan, Trushar Shah, Marilyn Warburton, Qing Li, Lin Li,Yufeng Gao, Yuchao Chai, Zhiyuan Fu, Yi Zhou, Shutu Xu, Guanghong Bai, YijiangMeng, Yanping Zheng, Jiansheng Li. Genetic analysis and characterization of a newmaize association mapping panel for quantitative trait loci dissection. Theoretical andApplied Genetics, 2010, 121:417–431
17.Qing Li, Lin Li, Jingrui Dai, Jiansheng Li and Jianbing Yan. Identification and
characterization of CACTA transposable elements capturing gene fragments in maize.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(4):642-651
18.Lin Li, Qing Li, Libo Wang, Zuxin Zhang, Jiansheng Li and Jianbing Yan. Geneticanalysis of QTL affecting recombination frequency in whole genome of maize and rice.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009, 42(7):2262-2270
19.Yi Zhou, Zhiyuan Fu, Qing Li, Shutu Xu, Subhash Chander, Xiaohong Yang, JianshengLi and Jianbing Yan. Comparative analysis of carotenoid and tocopherol compositions inhigh-oil and normal maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2009,35(11):2073-2084