Cinque Terre


首页 - 师资队伍 - 教职员工 - 植物学教研室 - 正文


来源: 责任编辑:李金山 发布:2018-03-02 点击量:

欧阳亦聃博士 教授 博士生导师 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年项目获得者

We have rice, we have fun.










2011-2014华中农业大学作物遗传与改良国家重点实验室Research Associate




Nature Plants、Mol Plant、Plant Physiology、Plant Biotechnol J、Communications Biology、J Exp Bot等SCI期刊审稿人


生物学一级学科:“双一流”建设学科,A类(全国Top 5%)




以第一作者在PNAS、New Phytol等期刊发表SCI论文8篇,以通讯作者在Nat Commun、Mol Plant、Plant J、GigaScience、Bioinformatics等期刊发表SCI论文10篇;3篇论文被选为封面故事,3篇论文被F1000数据库推荐;并应邀在Annu Rev Plant Biol、Curr Opin Plant Biol和J Genet Genomics发表综述论文。


Li G, Jin J, Zhou Y, Bai X, Mao D, Tan C, Wang G,Ouyang Y*, Genome-wide dissection of segregation distortion using multiple inter-subspecific crosses in rice (2019) Sci China Life Sci, 62(4): 507-516


Zhang L, Ren Y, Yang T, Li G, Chen J, Gschwend AR, Yu Y, Hou G, Zi J, Zhou R, Wen B, Zhang J, Chougule K, Wang M, Copetti D, Peng Z, Zhang C, Zhang Y,Ouyang Y, Wing RA*, Liu S*, Long M*(2019) Rapid evolution of protein diversity byde novoorigination inOryza. Nat Ecol Evol 3 (4):679-690


Sun S, Wang L, Mao H, Shao L, Li X, Xiao J,Ouyang Y*, Zhang Q*,A G-protein pathway determines grain size in rice(2018) Nature Communications, 9: 851,F1000 recommendation

Yao W*, Li G, Yu Y,Ouyang Y*(2018)funRiceGenes dataset for comprehensive understanding and application of rice functional genes. GigaScience 7(1): 1-9

Yu Y,Ouyang Y*, Yao W*(2018)shinyCircos: an R/Shiny application for interactive creation of Circos plot. Bioinformatics 34(7): 1229-1231

Ouyang Y*, Zhang Q, The molecular and evolutionary basis of reproductive isolation in plants (2018) J Genet Genomics 45: 613-620

Guo J*, Xu C*, Wu D*, Zhao Y, Qiu Y, Wang X,Ouyang Y, Cai B, Liu X, Jing S, Shangguan X, Wang H, Ma Y, Hu L, Wu Y, Shi S, Wang W, Zhu L, Xu X, Chen R, Feng Y, Du B*, He G*(2018)Bph6encodes an exocyst-localized protein and confers broad resistance to planthoppers in rice. Nature Genetics 50: 297-306

Zhu C, Peng Q, Fu D, Zhuang D, Yu Y, Duan M, Xie W, Cai Y,Ouyang Y, Lian X, Wu C*(2018) The E3 ubiquitin ligase HAF1 modulates circadian accumulation of EARLY FLOWERING3 to control heading date in rice under long-day conditions. Plant Cell 30 (10):2352-2367


Li G*; Li X*; Wang Y; Mi J; Xing F; Zhang D; Dong Q; Li X; Xiao J; Zhang Q;Ouyang Y*(2017)Three representative inter and intra-subspecific crosses reveal the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation in rice. Plant Journal 92(3): 349-362,Cover Story

Sheila McCormick (2017) Discovery of new QTLs underlying hybrid fertility and reproductive isolation in rice. Plant Journal 92(3):347-348,RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTfor our work

Zhu Y, Yu Y, Cheng K,Ouyang Y, Wang J, Gong L, Zhang Q, Li X, Xiao J, Zhang Q*(2017)Processes underlying a reproductive barrier inindica-japonicarice hybrids revealed by transcriptome analysis. Plant Physiology 174(3): 1683-1696


Ouyang Y**, Li G*, Mi J*, Xu C, Du H, Zhang C, Xie W, Li X, Xiao J, Song H, Zhang Q (2016) Origination and establishment of a trigenic reproductive isolation system in rice. Molecular Plant 9(11): 1542-1545

Mi J,Li G,Huang J,Yu H,Zhou F,Zhang Q,Ouyang Y*,Mou T*(2016) StackingS5-n andf5-n to overcome sterility inindica-japonicahybrid rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129(3): 563-575

Zhang JW*, Chen LL*, Xing F*, Kudrna DA, Yao W, Copetti D, Mu T, Li WM, Song JM, Xie WB, Lee S, Talag J, Shao L, An Y, Zhang CL,Ouyang Y, Sun S, Jiao WB, Lv F, Du BG, Luo MZ, Maldonado CE, Goicoechea JL, Xiong LZ, Wu CY, Xing YZ, Zhou DX, Yu SB, Zhao Y, Wang GW, Yu YS, Luo YJ, Zhou ZW, Hurtado BEP, Danowitz A, Wing RA*, Zhang QF*(2016) Extensive sequence divergence between the reference genomes of two eliteindicarice varieties Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(35): E5163-E5171

Zhao Y*, Huang J*, Wang Z*, Jing S, Wang Y,Ouyang Y, Cai B, Xin XF, Liu X, Zhang C, Pan Y, Ma R, Li Q, Jiang W, Zeng Y, Shangguan X, Wang H, Du B, Zhu L, Xu X, Feng YQ, He SY, Chen R, Zhang Q*, He G*(2016) Allelic diversity in an NLR geneBPH9enables rice to combat planthopper variation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(45): 12850-12855


Zhao H, Yao W,Ouyang Y, Yang W, Wang G, Lian X, Xing Y, Chen L, Xie W*(2015) RiceVarMap: a comprehensive database of rice genomic variations. Nucleic Acids Res 43 (D1):D1018-D1022


Niu S*, Yu Y*, Xu C, Li G,Ouyang Y*(2014) Prezygotic reproductive isolation and fertility in crosses betweenindicaandjaponicasubspecies. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci 44(8): 815-821

Zhang C, Gschwend AR,Ouyang Y, Long M*(2014) Evolution of gene structural complexity: an alternative-splicing-based model accounts for intron-containing retrogenes. Plant Physiol 165: 412-423


Ouyang Y, Zhang Q*(2013) Understanding reproductive isolation based on the rice model. Annu Rev Plant Biol 64: 111-135

Lu Z, Huang X,Ouyang Y*, Yao J*(2013) Genome-wide identification phylogenetic and co-expression analysis of OsSET gene family in rice. PLos One 8(6): e65426

Ouyang Y*(2013) Genetics and genomics of rice, Chapter 21: Reproductive isolation betweenindicaandjaponicasubspecies, Springer, 2013

Huang J, Zhao X, Cheng K, Jiang Y,Ouyang Y, Xu C, Li X, Xiao J, Zhang Q*(2013) OsAP65, a rice aspartic protease, is essential for male fertility and plays a role in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Journal of experimental botany 64: 3351-3360


Ouyang Y*, Huang X*, Lu Z, Yao J*(2012) Genomic survey, expression profile and co-expression network analysis of OsWD40 family in rice. BMC Genomics 13: 100

Yang J*, Zhao X*, Cheng K*, Du H,Ouyang Y, Chen J, Qiu S, Huang J, Jiang Y, Jiang L, Ding J, Wang J, Xu C, Li X, Zhang Q*(2012) A killer-protector system regulates both hybrid sterility and segregation distortion in rice. Science 337: 1336-1340

Ding J, Lu Q,Ouyang Y, Mao H, Zhang P, Yao J, Xu C, Li X, Xiao J, Zhang Q*(2012) A long noncoding RNA regulates photoperiod-sensitive male sterility, an essential component of hybrid rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109: 2654-2659


Du H*,Ouyang Y*, Zhang C, Zhang Q*(2011) Complex evolution of S5, a major reproductive barrier regulator, in the cultivated riceOryza sativaand its wild relatives. New Phytol 191: 275-287,F1000 recommendation

Li X, Gao X, Wei Y, Deng L,Ouyang Y, Chen G, Zhang Q, Wu C*(2011) Rice APOPTOSIS INHIBITOR5 coupled with two DEAD-box adenosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent RNA helicases regulates tapetum degeneration. Plant Cell 23: 1416-1434


Ouyang Y, Liu YG, Zhang Q*(2010) Hybrid sterility in plant: stories from rice. Curr Opin Plant Biol 13: 186-192,Cover Story


Ouyang Y*, Chen J, Xie W, Wang L, Zhang Q (2009) Comprehensive sequence and expression profile analysis of Hsp20 gene family in rice. Plant Mol Biol 70: 341-357

Ouyang Y, Chen J, Ding J, Zhang Q*(2009) Advances in the understanding of inter-subspecific hybrid sterility and wide-compatibility in rice. Chinese Sci Bull 54: 2332-2341

Chen J*,Ouyang Y*, Wang L, Xie W, Zhang Q*(2009) Aspartic proteases gene family in rice: Gene structure and expression, predicted protein features and phylogenetic relation. Gene 442: 108-118


Chen J*, Ding J*,Ouyang Y*, Du H, Yang J, Cheng K, Zhao J, Qiu S, Zhang X, Yao J, Liu K, Wang L, Xu C, Li X, Xue Y, Xia M, Ji Q, Lu J, Xu M, Zhang Q*(2008) A triallelic system of S5 is a major regulator of the reproductive barrier and compatibility ofindica-japonicahybrids in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 11436-11441,Cover Story, F1000 recommendation


Chu Z*,Ouyang Y*, Zhang J, Yang H, Wang S*(2004) Genome-wide analysis of defense-responsive genes in bacterial blight resistance of rice mediated by the recessive R genexa13. Mol Genet Genomics 271: 111-120


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